Positive Retraction Card-Lok Technology Designed To Provide Reliable Second Level Maintenance

Whitepaper: Positive Retraction Card-Lok Technology Designed To Provide Reliable Second Level Maintenance
Learn how nVent SCHROFF's Positive Retraction Card-Lok can eliminate stiction, while also providing improved clamp force and thermal dispensation than standard Card-Loks.

As electronics become more and more critical to modern-day warfare it is imperative that sensitive electronics operate reliably at all times. Deployed military-printed circuit boards (PCBs) are often exposed to harsh conditions including shock, vibration, contaminants, and extreme temperatures.

To ensure equipment and electronics operate at the highest efficiency, computer modules must be designed to be swapped out easily and reliably in the field. Field-level maintenance is key in defense applications as it reduces downtime and the cost of repairs, getting critical machinery back into operations faster.

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